Friday, April 26, 2019

Reading Inspiratiion

The Year Of Less by Cait Flanders

This millennial personal finance guru and mindful consumer wannabe set some intense goals for herself: aggressive decluttering and editing down her possessions, living on about half of her paycheck, and enforcing a self-defined shopping ban for one full year. What Cait loses along the way is far less than what she gains; this book breaks down her journey and celebrates her discoveries. Though she and I find ourselves in different seasons of life and face different challenges in our growing edges, Cait's story inspires and encourages me to act. 

* * * * *

The Year Of Less intersects my life at many key points. Like Cait, 

I'm an avowed declutterer and minimalist.
I love to set challenges for myself.
I believe that self-discipline sets me free from my own worst instincts.
I value the potential energy of saved money. 
I am a superfan of mathematical statistics and metric data to track my progress.
I am always looking for new ways to grow.

And most of all, at this point in my life, I am impatient. No longer do I want to wait to get things done, to make changes, to improve myself. Now. 

These forces, strikingly similar to those that drove Cait to make changes in her life, are demanding a response from me. As I read the final pages of her book tonight, I felt the gauntlet thrown down within myself. I've decided to commit to my own Year Of Less.

My Year Of Less will be based on Cait's plan, but not exactly the same. I'm going to spend the next week or so mulling over the changes that I want to make in my possessions, my savings account, my shopping habits, and then I will share my plan.  

I'm committed to starting my Year Of Less on May 1, 2019.

Thanks, Cait. You have inspired me. 

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