Wednesday, March 30, 2022


I've been in one of those moods.

You know the kind.

There's been a task on my mind - nothing life-changing or vitally important, mind you - but a little project that's tickling my imagination and just won't go away.

This time, the spark that set the fire that has engulfed me in raging flames involves cat toys.

^ Black cats are notoriously difficult to photograph, but every now and again, Luna wows the camera. 

^ Sirius, on the other hand, is ready to vogue 24/7.

Yes. Cat toys.

Scruffy little bits of fluff that my cats have been batting, bopping, and bouncing around the house for twelve years now.

Those kitty playthings have seen some better days, and suddenly, inexplicably, my fondest wish was to gather up every last one, sew up their split seams, trim away the snagged threads, and for an encore, soak them in a brew of exotically enticing catnip.

And last Saturday, that's exactly what I did.

Can't tell you how much time I spent deep diving under sofas, turning back the corners of rugs, and interviewing family members about their recollections of our inventory. 

But once I had tracked down each and every one, and given them the tender loving care they so richly deserve, I couldn't bring myself to just scatter them back across the floor.

Some part of me insisted that my cats' trinkets deserved an artful presentation.

So without ceremony, I whisked a tray off the family room coffee table, and created this feline masterpiece:
^ Most mornings when I wake up, I'll find one of these toys in a new corner, signalling that the boys were busy playing during the night. That always makes me smile. 

Oh my gosh, I cannot tell you how satisfied I felt.

Hours after I'd laid this cat party-in-the-making down on the floor for my boys to discover in their own good time, I was still obsessed with this creative process and wondering why it gratified me so deeply.

And then later that evening, flipping through my Instagram feed, I suddenly understood.

What I had created was not just a plateful of clean kitty teasers but a feline charcuterie board.

A charcaterie, if you will.

And my kittens are enjoying every tasty bite. 

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