Tuesday, August 17, 2021


My mom and me with a springtime view of our neighbor's back yard. 

Make the mud pies neat and clean

Help Mommy with a smile

Don't ask about the fights at night 

I learned to be a daughter.

Here I am being presented with my newborn baby brother, 

while the third-born attempts to reach the pedals. 

Feed the baby; make him laugh

Climb trees and play in the dirt

Don't cry over toys; share with the boys 

I learned to be a sister.

My grandparents owned an amazing collection of lawn furniture.

Play whatever game she wants

Be less so she can be more

Never compete for the spotlight she seeks  

I learned to be a friend.

The four of us in our front yard, and a moment I still recall with perfect clarity. 

Keep my feelings to myself 

Sit and wait till he calls 

Accept that love won't be strong or last very long 

I learned to be a girlfriend.

For a long, long time, I hated pictures of myself, but with the advent of web cams and camera phones, I forced myself to learn how to pose, This is the first one I ever really liked. 

Dream my own dreams and pursue them 

Stand up for myself every day 

Why settle for anything less than the best?

I learned to be myself. 

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