Monday, October 1, 2012

Teaching My Own: Beginning At The End

These photos were taken on the beautiful campus of Edmonds Community College, where my each of my four daughters went to high school.

Yes, they went to high school at a college. And each one of them graduated from this community college and high school at the same time. Two diplomas earned at once, and two years of college education completed at the ripe old age of eighteen.

What's the meaning of this?? Did I give birth to a batch of mini-Einsteins? Are my children freakishly unsocial nerds who studied every minute of their lives? Am I a clinically controlling tiger mom who pushed her poor babies to extreme achievement? 

No. No. And no.

What sets my daughters apart, and led to their remarkable academic achievements, is the simple fact that they were homeschooled.

Which means that I am a homeschooling parent. Err, WAS a homeschooling parent. I'm done now.

Maybe this sounds crazy, but for the past two decades, I have claimed the responsibility and privilege
to design, develop, deliver and deliberate about my daughters' educations.

As one might expect, it's been a wild, exciting, intense, interesting journey, and in this first fall of my post-homeschooling life, the dust is just now beginning to settle. Which means it's time for me to start sharing some stories about the greatest adventure of my life, teaching my own. 

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