Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks For Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. It might be my favorite holiday because it is so pure and simple. 

Surround yourself with loved ones.
Give thanks for what you have. 
Eat delicious food.

Although we Americans celebrate this day in the context of Pilgrims, turkeys and football, every culture has its version of ritualized thanksgiving. Special days, particular foods, certain customs; we all enjoy our own traditions for giving thanks. 

And whether we are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other faith, or even of no faith, we all seem to agree that some power beyond ourselves deserves to be thanked for what we have. 

Thanksgiving is not so much a holiday as a human response to the goodness of life. And we can all relate to that.

So today, on the day before Thanksgiving, I offer to you these scenes of thankfulness from my life.

I'm thankful for quiet cats who watch over me as I sleep. Also, I'm thankful for a daughter who woke up early, came into my room where I was sound asleep, saw this cute scene, slipped my phone out from under my pillow, and took a few shots just to show me what I'd missed. 

I'm thankful for blooming Christmas cactus which remind me, forever and ever, of my grandmother, who grew these beauties with style and grace. All of my childhood Thanksgivings were spent at her table, and her gentle and humble spirit is always present at mine.

I'm thankful for wine bottles with beautiful labels, and for a daughter who helped me sort through the whole wine department to find the best ones. Also, I am thankful that she understands my need to photograph obscure details about my life, and is willing to help me stage a nice shot.

I'm thankful for Ranger and his watchful eye protecting our groceries from harm on the trip home. I'm thankful for all the delicious home-cooked dishes we'll be preparing for our feast; however, I am also thankful for frozen pizza for dinner on Thanksgiving Eve.

I'm thankful for the natural beauty of everyday life, as reflected in this surprisingly pleasing arrangement of color-coordinated fruit. I didn't plan just happened. I'm thankful that I noticed.

I'm thankful for pets who interrupt my tedious chores to say, "Notice me! Pet me! Love me!" This kitty literally climbed into the basket of books I was trying to sort, and would not get out until I petted him thoroughly. Bless him.

And I'm very thankful for a late-night trip to the airport on Thanksgiving Eve to bring my far-away college daughter back home for a holiday visit. Very thankful indeed.

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In this same spirit of thankfulness, let me wish you, dear reader, no matter what your nationality or religion or thanksgiving traditions, a day of gratefulness, blessings and love.

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More stories of Thanksgiving:

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