Friday, October 24, 2014


far left | my maternal grandmother's birth certificate

top left | my mother and her sister, about four and six years old
top right | my maternal grandparents and their firstborn, my aunt
bottom left | my great-grandparents on their wedding day
bottom right | my maternal grandparents' marriage certificate

far right | my great-grandparents' marriage certificate

This little gathering of family memorabilia hangs in the bedroom at my mom's house where I sleep. Each morning, as I walk back and forth between my closet and my bathroom, I pass this arrangement several times and often find that it preoccupies my thoughts. 

These are just a few of the people who came before me, who invested their entire lives in mine. 

They remind me of who I am and what I stand for.

Their silent voices ring forward through the years, anchoring me in their past and encouraging me on toward my future. 

I feel their support, guidance and overwhelming love.

And I think how nice it is to be reminded of my roots. 

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