Thursday, August 14, 2014


"If your friends told you to jump off a bridge, would you have enough sense to say no?"

During my formative years, my mother posed that question to me more than once. And while I can proudly say that I've never jumped off a bridge, it's probably only because no one ever dared me.

Because I'll be honest. I'm a fool for a good dare. I can't resist.

So when my niece tagged me in to an ice bucket challenge yesterday, I immediately knew what I would do.

You can see for yourself what happened.

You've heard of the ice bucket challenge, right?

It's a fundraising and awareness-building viral campaign for a terrible disease called ALS, also known as Lou Gerhig's Disease. This deadly degenerative disorder causes muscles throughout the body to weaken and ultimately cease functioning. Most victims die from respiratory failure within 3 to 5 years. 

The idea here is that by dumping a bucket of ice water over each of our collective heads, we can help this very worthy cause.

Consoling my #icebucketchallenge buddy. He took it like a champ.

And while I am usually skeptical about gimmicky internet stunts, this crazy notion is actually working. Reports are that donations to the ALS Association are skyrocketing.

I'll be posting this on Facebook and tagging five friends to follow suit, but even if I don't specifically name you, consider yourself challenged. Go ahead and dump half an iceberg onto your head in the name of compassion and care, and be sure to show me the video.

Just don't ask me to jump off a bridge.

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