Sunday, November 24, 2013

Reasons 647 & 648

If I didn't have a dog, my boy, Ranger, would not be in my life.

If Ranger was not in my life, I would have no one to cajole, whine, beg, plead, and otherwise brow beat me into going for a walk every afternoon.

If I didn't have someone to cajole, whine, beg, plead and brow beat me into going for a walk every day, I most certainly would not be outside on clear and cold November afternoons when the sun is setting and the air is turning to ice.

If I were not outside on clear and cold November afternoons, such as yesterday, I would not have seen this glorious autumn sky.

In fact, I saw two beautiful versions of the heavens. First, I noticed the pale blue and deep gold sky when we were leaving the house, which then transformed into this lavender and pink rendition by the time we returned a half hour later.

And those are two excellent reasons why I'm glad I have a dog.

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