Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Wonder What Happens on Windy Days

When it comes to keeping track of my appointments and commitments, I've finally figured out the system that works best for me.

It's easy, cheap and 100% effective. 

I stick Post-it Notes on my kitchen window.

I know, I know, I know... it's a little weird and not the most attractive way to live my life. But after a billion only-somewhat-successful experiments with other systems, I've accepted the fact that this in-my-face approach works best for me.

Now, I must explain. During the school year, when my life is fairly routine and predictable, I have at most two or three little squares up there on the window at any given time. In fact, over the past weekend, I was down to just one. 

But the next few weeks are full of special appointments, non-routine trips and who all knows what. I needed to write a lot of things down.

And by Sunday night, a new and very thick forest of Post-its had sprung up on my window. 

I was feeling a little weird about this overflow until I ran across this video on Poppytalk, and suddenly realized that things could be a lot worse.

Or a lot better. Depending on how you feel about art installations involving zillions of Post-its. 

Watch it. It's amazing. 

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