Monday, April 16, 2012

My Friday-the-Thirteenth Bad Luck

You probably noticed that April 13, 2012, fell on a Friday. Ooooh, interesting. I always enjoy Friday-the-Thirteenths; sometimes it really does seem like bad things tend to happen on that date.

Like the October Friday the Thirteenth when I was thirteen years old and got caught shoplifting. Well, I was with three friends, and two of them were actually the ones who stole stuff. Earrings, as I recall. But all four of us were apprehended by store security and searched and interrogated and scared out of our wits. It was a very unlucky Friday the Thirteenth, to be sure.

Still, I wonder if we really have any extra bad luck on Friday the Thirteenths, or if the normal bad things that might happen to us on any day seem to take on a deeper significance because of that ominous date. Personally, I don't believe in bad luck. Life is more about attitude than luck, or as I've heard it said, we make our own luck.

But this Friday the Thirteenth was truly a bleak day. I'm very sad to report that I made my last trip of the season to Stevens Pass on this infamous date.

Sigh. I'll miss it so much.

Please allow me to commemorate the occasion with more photos. 

Funky little cloud hanging up in the sky. 
Love this old railroad trestle along the side of Highway 2.
Same bridge, different angle. I really do love it a lot.
Mount Index, seen on the drive up.
Cute snowboard graphic for a lucky little girl. 
Backpack, goggles, gloves.
Granite Lodge has lost its focus.
Lift operator on a spring day
Giant bank of snow in the parking lot.
Even gianter bank of snow in a different parking lot. 
Meet Sam. She is a cute little puppy who is learning to be a Ski Patrol dog. Bless her.
Closing thoughts:

Instagrams are so fun. I love them. Follow me; I'm dianeagain.

I cannot stop taking pics of all things related to Stevens Pass. It's infinitely interesting and beautiful to me.

(You already knew that.)

Stevens Pass, I will miss you very much. My Fridays will be lonely without you. See you in six months!!


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