Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Counting Down

What would you do if you knew you had just one day left to live?

I've played that scenario out in my head many a time. And after I've exhausted all the fantasies of decadent eating, unrestrained shopping, and telling off a few people who annoy me, I realize the truth. I would spend my last day doing all the normal things I do, because my everyday routines are what give my life meaning, and make me who I am.

And so it is with my Malaysian adventure. With just three days left before I fly away, I woke up this morning with all manner of outlandish ideas for larger-than-life adventures flashing through my head. But I cast them aside and spent the day as I have spent many happy days here in KL: wandering the city via LRT, watching my fellow public-transit travelers, and soaking up the sight of those glorious sunlit equatorial skies. Then I walked back to my home-away-from-home to enjoy a sweet newborn baby boy and a tropical thunderstorm.

It was not the most exciting or unusual way to spend my time, but as I am counting down the last days of my trip to Malaysia, today was absolutely perfect.

^ A view of the muddy Klang River from the platform at Pasar Seni. 

^ Off to the Masjid Jamek station, then transfer to Cheras. 

^ I'm told that Kuala Lumpur means "muddy confluence" and one look at these silt-filled waters confirms that translation.

^ Malay school girls texting and giggling. So cute.

^ Chinese-Malaysian school girls, mostly just giggling. Also cute. 

^ An office window on the ground floor of the condominium complex that is my Malaysian home sweet home. Love those window grids, purple curtains, and teal walls, not to mention the row of tropical plants. 

^ Great-grandma knows her way around a baby and Muhammad Qaeed enjoys her practiced hand.

^ Somewhere behind that curtain of purple clouds lie the Petronas Towers and skyline of downtown Kuala Lumpur. But for the now, the storm clouds take charge. 

* * * * * 

To find all the stories of my amazing adventures in southeast Asia, go here:

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